Yr 7, 10 & 11 return to school on Wed 4 Sep, yr 8 & 9 on Thur 5 Sep
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We all need to be proficient and confident when using a computer and software in order to fully participate in a rapidly changing world.

As the expected level of skill has increased in ICT, the focus of study has changed from a skills-based subject to one that requires understanding and application.

We have embraced this change by adopting a more flexible approach to allow students to make informed decisions and to personalise their learning. Students have opportunities to:

  • Use ICT to create solutions and solve real world problems.
  • Study and use new technology and technological systems in school, at home and in a global society.
  • Develop an understanding of how computers work, programming languages and games design.
  • Demonstrate creativity and use their own initiative to inspire others.

About the ICT Curriculum at BCHS


What do students study in ICT?

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Overview

Topics Studied

Autumn: E-safety project. Visual programming using Scratch/Kodu.

Spring: Integrated applications enterprise and marketing project (World Cup Qatar 2022).

Summer: Computational thinking using textual programming (Logo/Flowol/Python). Handling data and analysis (Harry Plotter).


Autumn: Textual programming - Python project. Evaluating real world problems and physical systems.

Spring: Evaluating real world problems and physical systems.

Summer: Computer networks and use of hardware/software. Integrated applications creative project (technology of the future).


OCR GCSE Computer Science

Autumn, Spring & Summer: Unit J276B(01) Computer Systems.

Cambridge National Certificate in Creative iMedia

Autumn & Spring: R082 Creative Digital Graphics.

Summer: R082 Creative Digital Graphics. R089 Creating a Digital Video Sequence.

OCR Level 1/2 Cambridge National Certificate in Enterprise and Marketing

Autumn: R064 Enterprise and Marketing Concepts.

Spring & Summer: R065 Design a Business Proposal.

Key Stage 4 Curriculum Overview

Topics Studied

OCR GCSE Computer Science

Autumn & Spring: Unit J276B(01) Computer Systems.

Summer: Unit J276B(01) Computer Systems. Unit J276B(02) Computational, Thinking, Algorithms and Programming.

Cambridge National Certificate in Creative iMedia

Autumn: R082 Creative Digital Graphics. R089 Creating a Digital Video Sequence.

Spring: R089 Creating a Digital Video Sequence.

Summer: R087 Creating Interactive Multimedia Products.

OCR Level 1/2 Cambridge National Certificate in Enterprise and Marketing

Autumn: R065 Design a Business Proposal.

Spring & Summer: R066 Market and Pitch a Business Proposal.


OCR GCSE Computer Science

Autumn: Unit J276B(02) Computational, Thinking, Algorithms and Programming.

Spring & Summer: Units J276B(01) and J276B(02) revision.

Cambridge National Certificate in Creative iMedia

Autumn: R087 Creating Interactive Multimedia Products. R081 Production Skills.

Spring & Summer: Revision and resists.

OCR Level 1/2 Cambridge National Certificate in Enterprise and Marketing

Autumn: R066 Market and Pitch a Business Proposal. R064 Enterprise and Marketing Concepts.

Spring & Summer: R064 Enterprise and Marketing Concepts.

Exam Specifications