Yr 7, 10 & 11 return to school on Wed 4 Sep, yr 8 & 9 on Thur 5 Sep
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Support for students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Our governors and staff believe that every child can succeed and achieve highly with the right intervention and support.

We do all that we can to meet the needs of our students with SEND, allowing them to experience the full life of the school and access a broad and balanced curriculum.

Our starting point is a whole-school approach to providing for our students with SEND.

We make sure that all staff have the knowledge and skills to support all our SEND students.

The skills and expertise within our SEND department means that we can provide a wide range of interventions and support to address the needs of our students.

Parents and carers along with their children are involved in reviewing progress to make our planning effective.

The Hive is our dedicated SEND space at BCHS.

The BCHS SEND Co-ordinator is Miss Jackie Davies. Miss Davies can be contacted by email via jdavies233@bchs.co.uk or through the school phone number 01254 505700.

The BCHS SEND Information Report

Our SEND Information Report sets out our provision for students with SEND during their school career at BCHS. It explains how students with SEND are :

  • Welcomed and integrated into BCHS;
  • Identified, monitored and supported in all aspects of school life;
  • Part of a partnership with parents, carers and school staff;
  • Supported onto the next pathway of their educational career after BCHS.

The SEND Information Report can be found here : BCHS – SEND Information Report

The SEND Policy gives more detail about staff responsibilities and day to day procedures and can be found here : BCHS – SEND Policy

Accessibility Plan

Our Accessibility plan outlines how we ensure that students, staff and families with SEND are fully included in the life of the school. The plan can be found here: BCHS – Accessibility Plan

Medical Conditions Policy

We are committed to ensuring that any students with medical conditions will be properly supported so that they can have full and active access to education and school life, including school trips and physical education, remain healthy and achieve their academic potential.

Our policy can be found here : BCHS – Supporting Students with Medical Conditions

It is the responsibility of parents/carers to provide school with up-to-date information about their child’s medical condition, and notify the school immediately if there is a change in the medical needs of their child.

If a student needs to be given medication during the school day, parents / carers must give written permission for school staff to administer the medication by completing the form ‘Request for School to Administer Medication.’

The form can be found here: BCHS – Request for School to Administer Medication

Please note that staff cannot administer medicine unless the request form has been completed.
This form can be returned to the school reception by the parent/carer along with the medication. The medication should be clearly labelled with the child’s name.

The Blackburn with Darwen Local Offer

The Local Education Authority of Blackburn with Darwen publishes their Local Offer, free online resources detailing local specialist services, schools, colleges and different organisations that can provide support, advice and guidance for families of children with SEND.

You may need a referral from school to access some of the SEND Support Services.

The site explains the procedures for requesting an assessment for an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).

The website can be found here : Blackburn with Darwen Local Offer