How can I ensure good attendance?
- Help your child to develop a routine, sleep is important and many children do not get enough.
- A morning routine is important, make sure your child has breakfast; it makes them more alert. Or send them to school for a free breakfast between 8am-8.30am.
- Make sure lunch and books are organised the night before.
- Consider the importance of your child’s education when you book appointments or holidays. Where possible book dental and medical appointments after school. If this is not possible ensure your child attends school before and after the appointment and let school know in advance.
- Avoid booking holidays during term time. If unavoidable you MUST ask for the school's permission six weeks in advance.
- Don’t give in to your child each time they complain of feeling ill. If you are unsure send them in with a note explaining your concern and an up to date contact number should the school need to phone you. You may well find that this works and the amount of times your child feels ill reduces. It will help your child develop good habits for the world of work where absence and lateness are rarely tolerated. If this continues, ask to meet your child's Pastoral Manager, it may be an indication that your child is unhappy about something at school.
- Help your child to be safe, if your child truants and misses school without your knowledge how do you know they are safe? They could easily become involved in crime, anti-social behaviour or drugs. Truants are more likely to be out of work, homeless and three times more likely to offend, than non-truants. 75% of boys and 50% of girls who truant, just one day per week, have already committed criminal offences. If your child is not in school, where are they and who are they with?