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Progress Time

Our ambition at BCHS is to develop young people that are well educated, well qualified and who are capable of benefitting from and contributing to society when they leave us. We recognise that in preparing our young people for successful lives after they leave BCHS, we need both an academic and pastoral curriculum that is delivered to our young people.

Our progress time curriculum includes activities based on careers , numeracy , GCSE Pod, digital literacy, Votes for Schools, Guided Reading, revision skills, personal development and PRE (Philosophy, Religion and Ethics. We also have a comprehensive assembly programme. Through these activities students get the chance to develop their skills in oracy, numeracy, literacy, IT, discussion, questioning and reading. They also have the opportunity to work towards Edge awards which recognise their commitment to developing their skills in leadership, organisation, resilience, initiative and communication.

Our aims and priorities for our pupils are to ensure that they understand that Learning is for Life and not just for the time they are with us. We want to nurture and develop our pupils into well rounded individuals. To ensure that they respect themselves, each other and the community and environment that they live in. We want them to believe in themselves, to acknowledge their strengths, weaknesses, to continue to learn from mistakes and to value everyone they meet on a daily basis, so see the good in people and to treat people with respect.