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Heart Curriculum Overview

Heart Curriculum

Heart Curriculum Intent

The Heart curriculum has been designed to help students acquire a set of skills to enable them to be a successful student and a confident member of society. There is a need for the explicit teaching of exam and study skills, for example: organisation, presentation, essay writing, evaluation, explanation, how to remember information and how to revise. Alongside this students are taught leadership skills, communications skills and how to use their initiative. We also recognise that there is great pressure and stress which is brought by courses which are only examined by final exams and students need to be taught how to manage anxiety, how to be resilient, how to be optimistic, how to motivate themselves and how-to self-assess amongst other things.

The Heart curriculum allows students to develop vital life skills that will support their academic performance across the whole curriculum.

The aim of the Heart curriculum is to allow students to work independently and develop resilience. We want our children to become rounded members of our community who can be happy and fulfilled. The curriculum combines explicit teaching of ‘soft skills’ (such as empathy, coaching, meditation) with explicit teaching of study skills (active listening, memory skills, revision skills). We also work on preparing students for a different style of exam in Y11 (memory of content, no coursework, managing the stress of final exams).