Yr 7, 10 & 11 return to school on Wed 4 Sep, yr 8 & 9 on Thur 5 Sep
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Can I take my child on holiday during term time?

The Department for Education does not allow schools to grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.

If you think you have exceptional circumstances please talk to us without delay and before arrangements are entered into or money committed. If exceptional circumstances are accepted the Headteacher will determine how much absence will be authorised.

Any parent who wants to take their child out of school during term time must complete a discretionary leave of absence application and give at least 15 days notice.

Requests for absence for reasons such as compassionate leave, special family events, sporting or musical competitions etc. should be made in the same way.

Applications are looked at on an individual basis, however it is highly unusual that any leave of absence during term time will be granted. Any unauthorised absence of five school days or more may result in a penalty notice being issued by the local authority.

An absent student's education suffers due to:

  • Lessons and extra-curricular activities being missed
  • Continuity of project work being lost
  • There is often no opportunity for teachers to set additional work or to assist a child in catching up on their return from holiday