
Blackburn Central High School GCSE results

2023 results 2024 results
Progress 8 score -0.47 0.19
Attainment 8 score 4.04 4.12
Achieved GCSEs grades 9-4 including English and Maths 54% 57.6%
Achieved GCSEs grades 9-5 including English and Maths 34.1% 36.6%
Entered English Baccalaureate (EBacc) 53.8% 53.5%
Achieved English Baccalaureate (EBacc) 24% 23.8%
Achieved ‘strong’ English Baccalaureate (English & Maths grade 5+) 13% 15.1%
English Baccalaureate Average Point Score 3.70 3.79

Understanding our results

The government has changed the way that it judges the performance of schools. It no longer uses the percentage of students who have gained five A*-C grades but four other measures:

1. A “Progress 8” score. This shows how well students have progressed in the school since they came in from their primary school, compared to pupils in other schools who got similar results at the end of primary school. A positive score is good and a zero score is the average for schools nationally. For example, a score of 0.5 would mean that, taken together, each student in each subject did half a grade better than the average of all schools.

2. An “Attainment 8” score. This measures how well students perform across their best eight subjects, including English, mathematics, three English Baccalaureate subjects and three other subjects. English Baccalaureate subjects include sciences, humanities and languages.

3. The percentage of pupils who achieved grade five and above in both English and mathematics. We have also included the percentage of pupils who achieved grade four and above in both English and mathematics in the table above for 2023.

4. In 2018, a new measure called the EBACC Average Point Score was introduced. This new measure gives an average point score across the five pillars of the EBACC, for all students in the school.