Our students experience a modern, world-class curriculum that inspires, challenges and prepares them for their future as adults in the 21st Century.
BCHS operates a five-year curriculum plan. Students acquire the skills, knowledge, understanding, values and attitudes necessary to achieve and develop into successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens who will make a positive contribution to society.
All students are offered a broad and balanced, yet challenging curriculum appropriate to their abilities and needs. Every student has the opportunity to take part in learning outside the confines of the classroom, e.g. field work, residential visits, vocational visits and external speakers.
Personal development is embedded within the curriculum delivery, enrichment activities, progress time and bespoke assemblies.
In addition, all students study personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education and relationships and sex education (RSE) as part of their personal development programme. Nine two-hour sessions throughout the year are dedicated to this, six for PSHE and three for RSE.
All students take part in the Heart Curriculum, where key ideas and skills are incorporated into relevant lessons. This is continued in years nine and 10 through the progress time curriculum.
The curriculum is delivered mainly through the school timetable and a programme of activities out of normal school hours. Students are encouraged to engage actively in both. The timetable model is currently a 25 period programme of 60 minute lessons which operate for the 39 weeks of the school year. It fully meets the statutory requirements of the national curriculum at key stage three and four. The school operates a three-year key stage three and a two year key stage four in order to broaden the choice and breadth of experience for all learners.
More information on the content of the curriculum is available on each subject's page. If you have any additional questions, please contact Miss Young on info@bchs.co.uk.