Please use the contact form to get in touch with school or alternatively, our telephone number and email address can be found below.
Receptionist: Mrs Zenab Bhayat
T: 01254 505 700
If you would like a paper copy of the information on our school website, please contact the school on the telephone number above.
Contact Address
Blackburn Central High School
Haslingden Road
Visiting us
We are immensely proud of our school and welcome visitors to see staff and students at work. To arrange a visit with the Headteacher, Mrs Hussain, please call 01254 505700.
BCHS is at the heart of the Blackburn community. Follow signs for Royal Blackburn Hospital from junction 5 of the M65 or Blackburn town centre. The entrance to school is on Haslingden Road and is sign posted. There is a visitors car park as you enter and the main entrance can be found under the canopy at the front of the building.